Online boating course in English
990 kr
Online course for the Norwegian Boating license (Båtførerprøven).
This course covers everything you need to know!
Prices 2023:
Online course in English, chart materials included – kr 990,-
Registration and testing fee Båtførerregisteret – kr. 837,-
Retry fee (if test is failed) – kr. 441,-
The course is for those who want to operate leisure/recreational boats under 15 meters in length in Norway.
The online course consists of video lessons and quizzes that will prepare you for the boating test and make you well equipped to travel safely on the water.
You can take the online course at your own pace from home, and when you feel ready for the test, book an appointment at your nearest testing location at a time suited for you. See link at bottom of this section for locations.
The course gives you the necessary knowledge within the subjects:
- General seamanship
- Laws and regulations
- Navigation and chart knowledge
- Particularly important topics
Regardless of prior knowledge, this course covers everything you need to know in order to be able to pass the test, and most importantly; become a safer boat operator.
The test:
You can take the test at one of the Boat Operators Registry’s (Båtførerregisteret) many approved test centers around the country. For an updated overview of all the testing locations click here.